Paula Whitefield

Personal Website

My Blog

My latest blog articles are here.

Christmas 2022

Authored by Paula Whitefield on 2022-12-28 at 19:25.

A look at what I got for Christmas 2022.

My Site is now Wider, less Technical, and has more Twinkling Stars

Authored by Paula Whitefield on 2022-11-20 at 16:30.

Adjusted the site width and moved some technical info around. Not forgetting more twinkling stars to make it prettier.

Made Changes to Website and Added some Gifs!

Authored by Paula Whitefield on 2022-11-17 at 23:54.

Wanted a way to be more expressive, I think I did it.

Site Conversion from Markdown to Nunjucks

Authored by Paula Whitefield on 2022-10-28 at 04:00.

It was a fun challenge to try doing it all in Markdown, but Nunjucks is better.

Color Scheme Previews: Now Available

Authored by Paula Whitefield on 2022-10-28 at 05:30.

Try the site in a different color scheme to the one your device is set to.

My First Article

Authored by Paula Whitefield on 2022-10-20 at 03:48.

This is my very first blog article.

Site by Paula Whitefield.