Paula Whitefield

Personal Website

Here I will share things related to the games I play.

What platforms do I play on?

This is a question I get asked a lot. I own all PlayStations from 1-5, and all the Xboxes from Original to Series X.

PlayStation Consoles

Xbox Consoles

I also sometimes play on my laptop using Steam, but most of the time I am playing on one of the above consoles.

What games do I play and which games are my favourite?

I don't really have any specific favourites, but I do mostly play game titles by Rockstar Games, with the most played being from their Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption franchises.

Grand Theft Auto Collection

Other Rockstar Games Titles

Occasionally, you may find me playing other games too, such as Minecraft, and others.

Site by Paula Whitefield.